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What we do

The Donnell Lake Conservation Club is a community based organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of our spring fed lake and its ecosystems. We focus on water quality, promoting sustainable fishing and water safety, and educating the local community about the importance of lake conservation.

Our goal is to ensure that Donnell Lake is enjoyed by generations to come. We invite you to join us in our mission to preserve this beautiful lake and its natural resources.



Photo credit Dave Bergstrom


Water Quality

Donnell Lake residents live on a beautiful spring fed lake with high water quality. We are dedicated to continue to maintain that. 


Water Clarity

Donnell Lake Conservation Club is enrolled in the Michigan Lakes and Streams Association's (MLSA) Secchi Disk Program. Secchi disk readings measure the clarity of the water at depth intervals - how much sunlight can penetrate into the water.


These readings are collected bi-weekly through summer and submitted to the MLSA for tabulation and later publication. Our most recent Secchi Disk Transparency reading was May 11, 2023.


High amounts of sediment or algae result in lower readings and can indicate poor or deteriorating water quality. Water clarity is important to the growth of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) and aquatic habitats.


Water Testing

Donnell Lake Conservation Club is enrolled in the Michigan Lakes and Streams Association's (MLSA) Total Phosphorus collection program. Phosphorus is an essential element for plant and animal growth and nourishment. An overabundance can cause adverse affects, such as algae blooms. Water clarity declines. Phosphorus can also speed up the eutrophication of rivers and lakes. Common sources of phosphorus are fertilizers and organic wastes in sewage, among others.


Samples are taken in the spring and fall. Our spring sampling was taken on March 27th, 2023. Results were frozen and will be submitted to the MLSA at a later time.

Our initial collection and data will establish baseline information for our lake health. This will help us identify water quality issues now and monitor trends going forward. 

Water Ripples
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Fish Stocking

Fish stocking helps keep bodies of water environmentally balanced. With guidance from Michigan Department of Natural Resources Fish Biologist Matt Diana, we stock the lake with different types of fish. 



Our recent stockings:

Walleye (1,000 based on ratio of 4 per acre)

October 2017, 2021, 2023


Perch (1000 yellow)

Spring 2022

Photo credit Nichole Wellman

Photo credit Floyd Wolkins


In 2022, we were awarded a $2,500 grant to fund efforts to stop the spread of Aggressive Invasive Species. We installed a boat decontamination station (dry clean) and hosted outreach events last summer to inform boaters on best practices.


Education is the best tool for prevention of aggressive species invasion.


More about the Michigan Clean Boats, Clean Waters Program

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